Showing Records: 261 - 270 of 1579
Alvin dive 863 #3
Digital Record
Identifier: DO30120007281
Alvin Dive 1079 6 Dec 1980, St. Croix
Digital Record
Identifier: DO30120003560
Alvin Dive 1082, Dec 13, 1980 at bottom station off coast of St Croix
Digital Record
Identifier: DO30120003542
Alvin dives 154-156
Digital Record
Identifier: DO30120005504
Alvin George Broderson
Digital Record
Identifier: film 303
ALVIN Georges 77-4 Georges 77 reel 4 Alvin Surface shots
Digital Record
Identifier: DO30120006781
Alvin in the water with swimmers nearby, general deck, underwater scenes, lowering, manipulation arm working
Digital Record
Identifier: DO30120005256
Alvin launch and recovery
Digital Record
Identifier: DO30120005675
Alvin loss of arm
Digital Record
Identifier: Alvin 0224
Alvin Lulu clips. Flying at the bottom of the sea. Diver disconnects telephone cable
Digital Record
Identifier: DO30120005693