Showing Records: 161 - 170 of 1579
ALVIN 154-161 AUTEC 1-8 dives for USNUWS Group, ALVIN TOTO dives on AUTEC range, Bahamas - Tongue of the Ocean dives
Digital Record
Identifier: DO30120006228
Found in:
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Data Library and Archives
WHOI Audiovisual collection
Alvin video, 1964-2016
Alvin video - 8mm and 16mm film reels, 1964-1975
ALVIN 154-161 AUTEC 1-8 dives for USNUWS Group, ALVIN TOTO dives on AUTEC range, Bahamas - Tongue of the Ocean dives, July 29, 1966
ALVIN 166-167 Bottom footage and some outcrops Alvin dives 166 and 167 Location SW Goulding Cay and 4.5 miles south of Goulding Cay. Purpose Geology rock samples, Pilot McCamis, Wilson Observer J. Schlee
Digital Record
Identifier: DO30120005185
Found in:
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Data Library and Archives
WHOI Audiovisual collection
Alvin video, 1964-2016
Alvin video - 8mm and 16mm film reels, 1964-1975
ALVIN 166-167 Bottom footage and some outcrops Alvin dives 166 and 167 Location SW Goulding Cay and 4.5 miles south of Goulding Cay. Purpose Geology rock samples, Pilot McCamis, Wilson Observer J. Schlee, August 1966
ALVIN 170 The bottom film is of Alvin dive 170, Soil Mechanics August 1, 1966. rest of film is launch and retrieve of Alvin off R/V Lulu and going out of Layfor Cay August 27 - September 23, 1966
Digital Record
Identifier: DO30120006237
Found in:
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Data Library and Archives
WHOI Audiovisual collection
Alvin video, 1964-2016
Alvin video - 8mm and 16mm film reels, 1964-1975
ALVIN 170 The bottom film is of Alvin dive 170, Soil Mechanics August 1, 1966. rest of film is launch and retrieve of Alvin off R/V Lulu and going out of Layfor Cay August 27 - September 23, 1966, August 1, 1966, August 27-September 23, 1966
ALVIN 207-208 B ARCHIVE reel 279-C, Alvin dives 207-208, J. Trumbull, J. Hathaway
Digital Record
Identifier: DO30120006059
ALVIN 207-208 C Oceanographer Canyon Alvin dive 207-208 J. Trumbull August 4-6, 1967. Starts out with Alvin on Lulu leading out working on basket-bottom footage taken at 1460 meters and up the Western wall to 1310 meters
Digital Record
Identifier: DO30120006246
Found in:
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Data Library and Archives
WHOI Audiovisual collection
Alvin video, 1964-2016
Alvin video - 8mm and 16mm film reels, 1964-1975
ALVIN 207-208 C Oceanographer Canyon Alvin dive 207-208 J. Trumbull. Starts out with Alvin on Lulu leading out working on basket-bottom footage taken at 1460 meters and up the Western wall to 1310 meters, August 4-6, 1967
ALVIN 211 Alvin dive 211 August 16, 1967 Pilots McCamis, Bland. Observer B. Dale. Biological Fauna. Location 40*09'N, 68*17'W
Digital Record
Identifier: DO30120009573
Found in:
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Data Library and Archives
WHOI Audiovisual collection
Alvin video, 1964-2016
Alvin video - 8mm and 16mm film reels, 1964-1975
ALVIN 211 Alvin dive 211 Pilots McCamis, Bland. Observer B. Dale. Biological Fauna. Location 40*09'N, 68*17'W, August 16, 1967
ALVIN 215 A Dive 215 August 30, 1967 Fisheries and Research, Pilots McCamis and Bland, observer Wiglet (BFC)
Digital Record
Identifier: DO30120005960
ALVIN 215 B Dive 215 August 30, 1967 Fisheries and Research, Pilots McCamis and Bland, observer Wiglet (BFC)
Digital Record
Identifier: DO30120005069
ALVIN 215 C Alvin dives 215 August 30, 1967 Western Geo BK Peat site, R.L. Wigley ORIGINAL
Digital Record
Identifier: DO30120005951
ALVIN 215 D Alvin dive 215 Wigley August 30, 1967
Digital Record
Identifier: DO30120005050