Showing Records: 1071 - 1080 of 1579
War work
Digital Record
Identifier: film 144
Found in:
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Data Library and Archives
WHOI Audiovisual collection
Film reels, 1930-1985
Film 144: War work 1943 UERL reel no d-2 Schooner Reliance testing British MK II depth charge Part 1 Starts with Reliance at dock in front of MBL- Many people involved
, 1943
War work
Digital Record
Identifier: film 146
War work
Digital Record
Identifier: film 150
Found in:
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Data Library and Archives
WHOI Audiovisual collection
Film reels, 1930-1985
Film 150: War Work Spring 1945 Apr.-Aug. UERL Atlantis cruise 129. C.S. Paul Fye-picture taken from blimp-Tongue of the Ocean Experiment-Blimp coming in to Ft. Lauderdale Florida airfield, U.S., Coast guard base
, 1945
War work 1944-45
Digital Record
Identifier: film 168
Found in:
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Data Library and Archives
WHOI Audiovisual collection
Film reels, 1930-1985
Film 168: War Work 1944-1945 Underwater explosives used with highspeed motion picture camera by UERL and WHOI Shows Atlantis on deck, putting flashbulbs in pressure housing camera in steel tank-large steel frame-sheet attached in back of explosives-many people on deck. 300lb charges being fired near surface rec. from Dr. Paul Fye (film has titles)
, bulk: 1944 - 1945
War work 1944-45 underwater explosives
Digital Record
Identifier: film 169
Found in:
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Data Library and Archives
WHOI Audiovisual collection
Film reels, 1930-1985
Film 169: War Work 1944-1945 Underwater explosives used with highspeed motion picture camera by UERL and WHOI Same info as A.504 rec from Dr. Paul Fye
, bulk: 1944 - 1945
War work 1945
Digital Record
Identifier: film 148
Found in:
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Data Library and Archives
WHOI Audiovisual collection
Film reels, 1930-1985
Film 148: War Work Spring Apr.-Aug. 1945 Atlantis Cruise 129 Tongue of the Ocean-starts at WHOI dock-Atlantis getting ready to leave. Reliance and Asterias also shown. Gang on dock saying goodbye. PT type boat passes as Atlantis leaves harbor. Lots of people shots-putting whale boat in water to sail
, bulk: 1945-04 - 1945-08
War work 1945
Digital Record
Identifier: film 151
Found in:
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Data Library and Archives
WHOI Audiovisual collection
Film reels, 1930-1985
Film 151: War Work Apr.-Aug. 1945 C.S. Paul Fye aborad ship(someone playing records) putting buoy in water "Lobster" helping U.S. Navy escort vessel-goof picture of H. Backus and P. Fye. Neg/Pos
, 1945
War work 1946
Digital Record
Identifier: film 165
Ware work 1945
Digital Record
Identifier: film 145
Watterson, Ray L.
Digital Record
Identifier: DO: Hamburger, 2(58)