Showing Records: 31 - 40 of 1276
232 Al Vine in Alvin Sphere
Digital Record
Identifier: DO30120005274
234 Alvin underwater, some good scenes showing manuevers, congratulations on trials
Digital Record
Identifier: DO30120005372
235 Trims-N. Ordinance, Litten, J. Burke. Bermuda September 1965, SW Research E. Alvin on Lulu, crew at chow, inside sphere looking out, working inside sphere….
Digital Record
Identifier: DO30120005522
237 Underwater sound laboratory, filmed by US Navy. Alvin and Lulu prep for dive
Digital Record
Identifier: DO30120006013
238 General Deck scenes, Alvin being sent to sea, in water with swimmers, return to Lulu
Digital Record
Identifier: DO30120004943
239 Alvin and Lulu scenes.
Digital Record
Identifier: DO30120004989
240 Scenes of Alvin taken from above, launch from Lulu
Digital Record
Identifier: DO30120004998
241 Scene between Lulu pontoons, Alvin scenes
Digital Record
Identifier: DO30120004658
242 Lulu under tow, Lulu first sonar tower and how the operation tracked Alvin by hand. Bermuda, July 1966. Arthur Bartlet and Chuck Poemski
Digital Record
Identifier: DO30120005611
243 Alvin maneuvering in Woods Hole harbor and Alvin being lifted into Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution dock.
Digital Record
Identifier: DO30120005620