Showing Records: 271 - 280 of 1276
Alvin NARAD briefing report 3-72 UNCLASSIFIED
Digital Record
Identifier: DO30120005407
Alvin reels selected for NBC March 5, 1968. General Scenes: Alvin being towed, Alvin loaded on plane, lots of people shots
Digital Record
Identifier: DO30120005087
Found in:
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Data Library and Archives
WHOI Audiovisual collection
Alvin video, 1964-2016
Alvin video - 8mm and 16mm film reels, 1964-1975
208 Alvin reels selected for NBC March 5, 1968; general scenes, Alvin being towed, Alvin loaded on plane, lots of people shots, 1968-03-05, 1964-01-26
Alvin section NARAD briefing report March 1965, CNO-NARAD 3-64 for RADM John K. Leydon
Digital Record
Identifier: DO30120004925
Alvin Titanes video
Digital Record
Identifier: Alvin Titanes
Annual Report (3), 1963
Digital Record
Identifier: 10578
Annual Report (3), 1964
Digital Record
Identifier: 10579
Annual Report (4), 2006
Digital Record
Identifier: 10625
Annual Report, 1930-1932
Digital Record
Identifier: 10555
Annual Report, 1933
Digital Record
Identifier: 10566
Annual Report, 1934
Digital Record
Identifier: 10577